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Sat, 22 Feb 2025
صفحات مشترک
Faculty Members
Gholam Ali PARHAM
Gholam Ali PARHAM
(FA Page)
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Articles And Books
Rahim Chinipardaz : The first author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Vyrastarlmy,nasrollah emami : ویراستار ادبی, ,احتمال مقدماتی ,Shahid Chamran University ,1382 ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
Rahim Chinipardaz : The first author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Vyrastarlmy,nasrollah emami : ویراستار ادبی, ,احتمال مقدماتی ,Shahid Chamran University ,1382 ,0 ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
Gholam Ali PARHAM : The first author, ,Stochastic processes ,وزارت علوم - دانشگاه شهید چمران ,1389 ,978-600-141-002-4 ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
Gholam Ali PARHAM : The first author,Adel Sawaedi : ویراستار ادبی, ,Stochastic Proccsses ,Shahid Chamran University ,1389 ,978-600-141-002-4 ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
Moments of the path integral for continuous-time Markov Chain , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author, , Pakistan Journal of Statistics , 2004-09-20 , 129-138 , pakistan - asas - لاهور
Exact formulas for the moments of the first passage time of reward processes , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author,؟؟ soltani : second author, , Revstat- Statistical Journal , 2005-09-21 , 45-60 , - -
The probability mass function of birth-death process with linear death rate , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author, , Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics , 2006-09-21 , 25-31 , India - india - AllaH ABAD
Enhanced zinc consumption causes memory deficits and that is a reason for alzheimer's disease , AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : First author,Zohreh Ghotboaldin : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Alzheimerms & Dementia , 2007-04-19 , 0-0 , holland - هلند - sadas
Effect of Zinc supplementation of pregnant ratson short-term & long-term memory of their offspring , AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : First author,Zohreh Ghotboaldin : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences , 2007-09-21 , 405-409 , pakistan - asas - karachi
Comparison of the effects of dose-dependent zinc chloride on short-term and long-term memory in young male rats , AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : First author,Zohreh Ghotboaldin : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , 2007-09-21 , 2704-2708 , pakistan - asas - sda
Status of measles elimination from the reported outbreaks: fars provive , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author, , Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences , 2007-09-21 , 211-216 , Iran - fars - shiraz
The effects of pre-and post training administration of MK-801 in dorsal hippocampus on learning and memory in adult male rats , AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : First author,Zohreh Valizadeh : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Journal of Biological Sciences , 2008-03-20 , 416-420 , pakistan - asas - sda
Comparison of the effects of dose-dependent zinc chloride on short-term & long-term memory in young male rats. , AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : First author,Zohreh Ghotboaldin : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , 2008-03-20 , 2704-2708 , pakistan - asas - sda
The role of CA1 hippocampus NMDA receptors to passive avoidance task in presence and absence of Zncl2 in adult male rats , AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : First author,Zohreh Valizadeh : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Journal of Biological Sciences , 2008-04-18 , 1205-1210 , pakistan - asas - sda
Status of Measles Elimination from the Reported Outbreaks: Fars Province, 2001–03 , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author, , Journal of Research Medical Science , 2008-04-18 , 211-216 , pakistan - asas - sda
DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS in AR(p) PLUS DIFFERENT NOISES PROCESSES , BEHZAD MANSOURI : First author,Rahim Chinipardaz : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Iranian Journal of Sciene and Technology transaction A-science , 2010-09-21 , 139-151 , switzerland - CHAM - CHAM
Dose-dependent Effects of Iron Supplementation on Short-term and Long-term Memory in Adult Male Wistar Rats , AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : First author,Mareyam Khomenishoshtari : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Jounal of Biological Sciences , 2010-12-24 , 648-652 , pakistan - asas - sda
Nonlinearity in storage- discharge relationship and its influence on flood hydrograph prediction in mountainous catchments , Hasan Rezaee sadr : First author,Ali Mohammad Akhoond-Ali : second author,fereidon radmanesh : Third author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Fourth author, , International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering , 2012-06-02 , 208-217 , nigeria - نیجریه - نیجریه
Memory and Motor coordination improvement by folic acid supplementation in healthy male rats , Mareyam Khomenishoshtari : First author,AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , IJBMS , 2012-09-26 , 1068-1075 , Iran - a - mashhad
The New Generalization of Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern Copulas , HA bAKREZADEH : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,MAHAMMD REZA ZADKARAMI : Third author, , Applied Mathematical sciences , 2012-12-13 , 3527-3533 , bulgaira - bolgharestan - asa
Weighted Cook-Johnson Copula and their Characterizations: Application to Probable Modeling of the Hot Spring Eruptions , Hakem bakrizadeh : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,MAHAMMD REZA ZADKARAMI : Third author, , JOURNAL OF MODERN APPLIED STATISTICAL METHODS , 2012-12-20 , 517-523 , USA - امریکا - new york
Weighted Clayton Copulas and their Characterizations: Application to Probable Modeling of the Hydrology Data , Hakem bakrizadeh : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,MAHAMMD REZA ZADKARAMI : Third author, , Journal of data science , 2012-12-21 , 291-301 , - -
on estimation of rayleigh scale parameter under doubly type-II censoring from imprecise data , abass pak : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,mansour saraj SARAJ : Third author, , Journal of data science , 2012-12-21 , 303-320 , - -
Impact of iron-folic acid supplementation on passive avoidance memory in adult male Wistar rats , Mareyam Khomenishoshtari : First author,AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Health MED Journal , 2013-08-11 , 1354-1360 , bosnia & herzegowina - Sarajevo - Sarajevo
Approximation Multivariate Distribution of Main Indices of Tehran Stock Exchange with Pair-Copula , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author,Alireza Daneshkhah : second author,omid cherabgom : Third author, , JOURNAL OF MODERN APPLIED STATISTICAL METHODS , 2013-11-09 , 405-426 , USA - امریکا - new york
Inference for the Weibull Distribution Based on Fuzzy Data , abass pak : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,mansour saraj SARAJ : Third author, , REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE ESTADISTICA , 2013-12-01 , 339-358 , colombia - - Medellín
Inferences on the Competing Risk Reliability Problem for Exponential Distribution Based on Fuzzy Data , abass pak : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,mansour saraj SARAJ : Third author, , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY , 2014-04-09 , 2-12 , USA - امریکا - new york
Inference for the Rayleigh Distribution Based on Progressive Type - II Fuzzy Censored Data , abass pak : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,mansour saraj SARAJ : Third author, , JOURNAL OF MODERN APPLIED STATISTICAL METHODS , 2014-05-10 , 287-307 , USA - امریکا - new york
Reliability estimation in Rayleigh distribution based on fuzzy lifetime data , abass pak : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,mansour saraj SARAJ : Third author, , International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management , 2014-11-29 , 487-494 , India - Delhi new - New Delhi
AN ASYMMETRIC GENERALIZED FGM COPULA AND ITS PROPERTIES , Hakem bakrizadeh : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,MAHAMMD REZA ZADKARAMI : Third author, , Pakistan Journal of Statistics , 2015-01-27 , 95-106 , pakistan - asas - لاهور
Approximation Multivariate Distribution with Pair Copula Using the Orthonormal Polynomial and Legendre Multiwavelets Basis Functions , Alireza Daneshkhah : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,Omid Chatrabgoun : Third author,Mahmood Jokar : Fourth author, , Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation , 2016-01-16 , 1-31 , USA - امریکا - امریکا
Copula Density Estimation Using Multiwavelets Based on the Multiresolution Analysis , omid cherabgom : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author, , Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation , 2016-08-01 , 3350-3372 , USA - امریکا - امریکا
Comparison of the performance of power law and probability distributions in the frequency analysis of flood in Dez Basin, Iran , فرشاد احمدی حورمغان : First author,fereidon radmanesh : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author,rasoul mirabbasi : Fourth author, , Natural Hazards , 2017-07-01 , 1313-1331 , USA - امریکا - new york
A Legendre multiwavelets approach to copula density estimation , omid chatrabgon : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,Rahim Chinipardaz : Third author, , Statistical Papers , 2017-08-25 , 673-690 , USA - امریکا - new york
A new asymmetric class of bivariate copulas for modeling dependence , HA bAKREZADEH : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author, جمشیدی زرگران-بابک : Third author, , Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation , 2017-10-29 , 5594-5609 , USA - امریکا - امریکا
The distribution of the number of the infected individuals in a stochastic SIR model on regular rooted trees , جمشیدی زرگران-بابک : First author,Sayed Mohammad Reza Alavi : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation , 2019-04-03 , 1-18 , USA - امریکا - امریکا
On the functional central limit theorem for first passage time of nonlinear semi-Markov reward processes , Omid Chatrabgoun : First author,Alireza Daneshkhah : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS , 2019-05-29 , 1-15 , USA - PHILADELPHIA - PHILADELPHIA
Flexible families of symmetric and asymmetric distributions based on the two-piece skew normal distribution , نجمه شریفی پناه : First author,Rahim Chinipardaz : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author,Reinaldo Boris Arellano-Valle : Fourth author, , COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS , 2019-06-16 , 1-26 , USA - PHILADELPHIA - PHILADELPHIA
A new class of weighted bimodal distribution with application to gamma-ray burst duration data , نجمه شریفی پناه : First author,Rahim Chinipardaz : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Journal of Applied Statistics , 2020-09-04 , 2785-2807 , england_united kingdom - - london
THE CRITICAL VALUE OF THE CONTACT PROCESS ON IN-HOMOGENEOUS GRAPHS , جمشیدی زرگران-بابک : First author,Sayed Mohammad Reza Alavi : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , Journal of Applied Probability & Statistics , 2021-04-30 , 59-81 , نامعلوم - نامعلوم - نامعلوم
Ordering results of the smallest order statistics from independent heterogeneous new modified generalized linear failure rate random variables , مولود عبدالهی : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,Rahim Chinipardaz : Third author, , Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods , 2022-02-04 , 1-34 , england_united kingdom - -
Binomial Thinning Integer-Valued AR (1) with Poisson – α Fold Zero Modified Geometric Innovations , مریم شالباف : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,Rahim Chinipardaz : Third author, , JOURNAL OF SCIENCES-ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN , 2022-04-26 , 55-63 , Iran - Tehran - Tehran
Optimal multidimensional reinsurance policies under a common shock dependency structure , محمد اذرباد : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,Sayed Mohammad Reza Alavi : Third author, , European Actuarial Journal , 2022-12-26 , 1-19 , germany - Heidelberg - Heidelberg
Ordering Properties of the Smallest and Largest Order Statistics from Exponentiated Location-Scale Models Under Random Shocks , مولود عبدالهی : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,Rahim Chinipardaz : Third author, , Revstat- Statistical Journal , 2023-01-30 , 115-141 , - -
A SEASONAL INTEGER-VALUED AR(1) MODEL WITH DELAPORTE MARGINAL DISTRIBUTION , مریم شالباف : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author,Rahim Chinipardaz : Third author, , Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling , 2024-06-10 , 16-40 , Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz
Improved estimation of the sensitive proportion using a new randomization technique and the Horvitz–Thompson type estimator , هادی فرخی نیا : First author,Rahim Chinipardaz : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , STATISTICS, OPTIMIZATION AND INFORMATION COMPUTING , 2024-07-26 , 0-9 , USA - CAMBRIDGE - CAMBRIDGE
Articles (from conference)
Goodness of fit tests based on the recursive residuals in functional measurement error models , Abdolahraman Rasekh : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author, , هفتمین کنفرانس آمار ایران(شهریورماه) , 2004-03-20 , Iran - Tehran - Tehran
Clinical evaluation of the topical Aloe-vera on induced surgical wounds in bovine , feridoon Saberi Afshar : First author,?? HAMATI : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author, , '23rd World Buiatrics Congress Quebec , 2004-03-20 , canada - canada - montral
استراتژی بهینه سرمایه گذاری برای شرکت بیمه با مدل مخاطره انتشار , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author,sohel shkri : second author, , 9th Iranian Statistical Conference , 2008-08-20 , Iran - esfahan - isfahan
the relaibility of body density with methods:body mass index,skinfold thickness,bioelectrical empedance based on relevant method (hydrostatic)in men athelet,s swimmers from Ahvaz city , Saeid Shakerian : First author,Masoud Nikbakht : second author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Third author,Hossen Biyatkashkuli : Fourth author, , fisu conference 2009 , 2009-07-02 , yugoslavia - Belgrad - Belgrad
Characterizations of joint distributions, copulas, information and dependence in pareto , Hakim Bekrizadeh : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author, , The 23 rd International conference of Jangjeon mathematical society , 2010-02-08 , Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz
Characterizations of joint distributions, copulas, information and dependence in pareto , Hakim Bekrizadeh : First author,Gholam Ali PARHAM : second author, , The 23 rd International conference of Jangjeon mathematical society , 2010-02-08 , Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz
Effect of L-Arginine on passive avoidance memory in adult male rats exposed to restraint-stress , hooman eshagh harooni : First author,zahra moayed fard : second author,somaeih nick nejad : Third author,AHMAD ALI MOAZEDI : Fourth author,LOTFOLLAH KHAJEHPOUR : Author 5,Gholam Ali PARHAM : Author 6, , 8th IBRO(International Brain Research Organization) world congress of neuroscience , 2011-07-14 , italy - italy -
Strong Law of Large Number for First Passage Time of Nonlinear Reward Processes: A New Approach , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author,omid cherabgom : second author, , The 8th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes , 2011-09-10 , Iran - guilan - rasht
Modeling Long Memory in Volatility of EUR/IRR Exchange Rate by FIGARCH Model with NIG Error Distribution , Gholam Ali PARHAM : First author,parisa masjedi : second author, , The first international conference on econometrics , 2012-08-25 , Iran - kurdistan - sanandaj
,1997-03-21T00:00:00 ,1999-02-20T00:00:00 ,Shahid Chamran University ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
,1997-03-21T00:00:00 ,2000-02-20T00:00:00 ,Shahid Chamran University ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
,1998-03-21T00:00:00 ,Shahid Chamran University ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
,2001-03-21T00:00:00 ,2006-02-20T00:00:00 ,Shahid Chamran University ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
,2001-03-21T00:00:00 ,2002-02-20T00:00:00 ,Shahid Chamran University ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
,2001-05-22T00:00:00 ,2003-05-22T00:00:00 ,Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
,2002-03-21T00:00:00 ,2003-02-20T00:00:00 ,Shahid Chamran University ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
,2003-03-21T00:00:00 ,Shahid Chamran University ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
Member ,2003-05-22T00:00:00 ,2003-05-22T00:00:00 ,دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی گرگان ,Iran - - ,
,2003-05-22T00:00:00 ,Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
معاون آموزشی دانشکده ,2005-03-21T00:00:00 ,Shahid Chamran University ,Iran - khouzestan - Ahvaz ,
,2006-03-21T00:00:00 ,2007-02-20T00:00:00 ,Shiraz University ,Iran - fars - shiraz ,
1985-03-21T00:00:00 ,Iran - Tehran - Tehran ,انجمن آمار ایران ,
FirstName And Last Name
Project Name
پایش میانگین فرآیند خودبازگشتی مقدار صحیح مرتبه اول با نوآوریهای نمایی
مدل¬سازی و نظارت فرایند خودبازگشتی مرتبه اول صحیح مقدار با توزیع نوآوری¬های پواسون آماسیده هندسی
فرآیند خودبازگشتی صحیح مقدار مرتبه اول دو پارامتری با عملگر نازک دوجمله ای و نوآوری های سری توانی
فرایندهای خودبازگشتی مقدار صحیح مرتبهی اول با نوآوریهای سریتوانی تعمیمیافته با پارامتر آماسیده
فرآیند خودبازگشتی مرتبه اول صحیح مقدار با نوآوری های پواسن تعمیم یافته
یک مدل خودبازگشتی مقدار صحیح مرتبه اول با نوآوری های بِل
کنترل تصادفی بهینه تزریق سرمایه در مدل کرامر-لاندبرگ تحت ساختار وابستگی تنک شده
برآورد احتمال های انتقال در مدل های نیم مارکف چند حالتی با سانسور
احتمالات ورشکستگی و شکستن کران لاندبرگ با خسارتهای وابسته
تعمیم برخی از توابع مفصل
مقایسه آزمون های نیکویی برازش برای تابع مفصل
اولین زمان گذر فرآیند پواسن فیلترشده با تابع شکل نمایی
برآورد پارامتر توزیعهای طول عمر با استفاده از داده های سانسور شده فازی
برآورد توزیع زمان اصابت و نرخ وقوع در فرآیندهای نیمه مارکف پنهان
اولین زمان گذر در فرایند های پاداش با تابع پاداش غیرخطی
برآورد تابع چگالی مفصل از طریق موجک چندگانه
وابستگی دمی با تابع مفصل
بررسی کاربرد فرآیند شاخهای و توابع درستنمایی در تامین سلامت عمومی جامعه
هموارسازی هستهای تابع نوسان نگار با استفاده از اختلاف کوبلک- لیبر و ارزیابی میزان بهینگی آن
مدل بندی بر اساس ساختار مفصل زوجی با گراف غیرمدور جهت دار غیرگوسی
یک فرآیند پواسون خودبازگشتی مرتبه 2 با ساختار فصلی
مدل مارکف پنهان برای پیش بینی روند قیمت
مقایسه برآورد هیل و برآورد نیرومند GLM در توزیع نوع پارتو
روشی برای بدست آوردن توزیع هزینه کل روی طول عمر یک فرایند تصادفی
مدل های اتورگرسیو میانگین متحرک خطی تعمیم یافته پواسن
یک فرآیند خود بازگشتی دلاپورت مرتبه اول
سرمایهگذاری بهینه برای مدیریت دینامیک مخاطرة بیمهگر: مینیمم کردن احتمال ورشکستگی بیمهگر
مقایسه های تصادفی سیستم های سری و موازی در بعضی متغیرهای تصادفی مستقل ناهمگن با توزیع های تعمیم یافته طول عمر
روند موفقیت در یک دنباله از متغیرهای تصادفی تبادل پذیر جزئی
برآورد ماکسیم درستنمایی پارامترهای مدل مارکوف پنهان و نیمه مارکوف پنهان
مقایسه یک آزمون کارا با آزمونهای نیکویی برازش براساس مفصل واین
مدلهای توزیع تاخیری و کاربرد این مدلها در مدلبندی تابع مصرف خصوصی در کشور
ارزیابی حافظه ی بلند مدت با در نظر گرفتن تغییرات ساختاری و کاربرد آن در داده های نرخ ارز
فرایندهای مخاطره و احتمال ورشکستگی
مدل های اتورگرسیو-میانگین متحرک خطی تعمیم یافته با توزیع پاسخ دوجمله ای منفی
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