صفحه اعضا هیئت علمی - دانشکده علوم ریاضی و کامپیوتر

Update: 2025-03-03
mahmood abdananmehdizadeh
دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی / گروه زبان و ادبیات عرب
P.H.D dissertations
زن در رمان های خوله حمدی
نرجس هاشمی 1403 -
بررسی ساختار سبك شناسی در شعر فقیه سید محمد علی عدنانی
مسعود فرهانی عرب 1402 -
بررسی تطبیقی جلوه های موسیقایی مقامات حریری وسرقُسطی
موسی خرم زاده 1400 -
دلالت های معنایی واژگان در داستان های قرآن کریم از منظر بافت متن
مرضیه كهندل جهرمی 1400 -
بررسی استعاره ی مفهومی عشق در دیوان بدر شاکر السیاب و مقایسه آن با ابن حلاج
محمدحسین حردانی 1399 -
بررسی مقایسه ای شخصیت زن در رمان های سحر خلیفه و سیمین دانشور
فاطمه عارفی فرد 1399 -
بررسی عناصر داستانی در رمان های هدیه حسین
سعیده جلالی فرد 1399 -
عوارض الترکیب فی بناء الجملة العربیة( دراسة نحویة بلاغیة فی القرآن الکریم)
فرحان گل مغانی زاده 1398 -
بررسی مقایسه ای سیمای اهل بیت(علیهم السّلام) در شعر احمد وائلی و احمد عزیزی
كامران سلیمانی 1398 -
بررسی زمان و مکان روایی در رمانهای علی احمد باکثیر
تنگستانی-معصومه 1396
The time is a key element of a narrative through which a linear sequence of the events become a meaningful sequence of the events and in a narrative text the significance of a temporality is featured in a chorological relation between the story and the text. The place is also a significant element in a narrative because it is a context, framework of course of events. The place is included in a story when it is intended to convey an ideological or psychological meaning which it can be used for analysis of a novel. Therefore, the analysis and critique of a novel will be insignificant if this essential element is not taken into account. Ali Ahmad Bakatheer is the most worked cotemporary novelist who has already written various genres. the present study aims to examine structurally both the time and place elements based on the most comprehensive approaches on the elements of interest using critics' views specialized in both Arabic and western literature, who criticized works written by Bakatheer such as " Sallamt alqos", " Va eslama", Althaer Alahmar, " Sirat Shojaa" and " Laylat Alnahr". It also wants to investigate the interaction of the three elements, time, place and character on each other. The approach of this research is that Bakatheer in his writings was able widelyto achieve different choices by disrupting the logically temporal order and moving from chorological time to the text temporal and to quote the retrospective and prospective narrative. In addition to it, examination of continuity and frequency of the events in the above narrative works reveals that their actionsconsistently are of suitablerhythm and acceleration with the writer's purpose and haveestablished a significantly direct relation with the contents of each novel. In relation to the place element it should be noted that Bakatheer is well able to use various practices and implications of the place in his narrative works. Using the technique of description , especially the description of residential place of the novels' characters, the author was able to employ the practices and implications to explain many of characters' traits residing in those places as well as the existing conditions in the society during periods of time. Besides, the findings indicate that in the above novels the three elements of time, place and character are tightly related to each other and this multiple relation has contributed to a cause-effect relation among the elements.
نقد و مناقشة آراء الزمخشری النحویه فی الکشاف
كیفیه اهوازیان 1393Correctly analyzing the words and their final vowel of Arabic word facets, the Quran's verses meaning can be understood clearly because the God's words are perceived falsely if they are presented by final vowel of Arabic word incorrectly. Given that the words reflect the content and the meaning , an accurate perception of the meaning will not be possible unless there is a relation between the words and their parts of speech which it will leads to perceive the message if the relation is discovered . In some Quran's verses, the diversity of meanings and implications is attributed to the varied final vowel Arabic word as well as syntactic aspects. For this reason, Bin Jeni believes that difference in the meaning is due to difference in the final vowel Arabic word. The discrepancy in the final vowel Arabic word plays a pivotal role in perception of God's orders and interpretation of Quran. Thus, by relaying on collective reason or the principle of consensus and following the Quran's syntax and avoidance of vain reading the meaning of Quran merely by rules, we can grasp the verses' conception and perceive the essential truth and avoid the indiscriminat
interpretation on the basis of ideological orientation and personal preferences, provided that the perceived meaning from the final vowel Arabic word is not inconsistent with overall context governing on Quran and with revelation trustees that are the prophet Mohammad ( peace of Allah upon him) and his families as well
as with reason element as the inner prophet. This thesis has attempted to analyze a part of challenging pathologies of Zamakhshari in interpretation of Kashaf in the verses. By recognizing those pathologies and avoiding of them and by understanding the accurate implications, we can withhold the conveying of unintended meanings by God.
بررسی تطبیقی سیر تحول داستان لیلی و مجنون در ادب عربی و فارسی
حمیدرضا پیرمرادیان 1392 -
زیبایی شناسی فصل و وصل در نهج البلاغه
معصومه محتشم 1392 -
برسی و مقایسه ی مضامینی مشترک عرفانی درشعر حافظ و ابن فارضی
عبدالعلی دیلمی 1389 -
بررسی و مقایسه مضامین عرفانی مشترک در شعر حافظ و ابن فارض
عبدالعلی دیلمی 1389
Master Theses
تقنیات السرد فی روایات علی المقری
الهام البوغبیش 1403 -
الشكوی فی شعر علی بن خلف الحویزی
سیدمحمد نجات 1403 -
ترجمة روایة « نقشبندان» من الكاتب داریوش عابدی
فاطمه ساری شرفی 1402 -
ترجمه قصه ماه در آب لمحمد رضاسنگری
طالب صگوری 1402 -
ترجمه كتاب من میترا نیستم لمعصومه رامهرمزی
هدی زبیدی 1402 -
الصورة الفنیة فی شعر العبدی الکوفی
طاهر باوی 1402 -
سبك شناسی تكرار در شعر محمد عبد الباری
عماد بدوی 1402 -
العدل فی دیوان شهاب الدین الحویزی ابن معتوق
عبدالسعید مقدم 1401 -
الثنائیات الضدّیه فی شعر محمد البریکی
سیدشبر محسنی حسین پور 1401 -
ترجمه کتاب کیمیاگر اثر رضا مصطفوی
جمال دورقی 1401 -
توظیف التراث فی شعر محمودسامی البارودی
جعفر چاوشیان پور 1400 -
فرهنگ لغت قرآن کریم قسمت گیاهان نوشته کمال الدین البتانونی
خلود زرگان 1400 -
ترجمه مجموعه داستانهای کوتاه یحکی ان نوشته ادهم الشرقاوی
محمدعلی غبیشاوی 1400 -
القیم الإنسانیة عند شوقی وحافظ )دراسة نقدیة فی الفحوى والمضمون(
حسین الباجی 1400 -
ترجمه ، شرح و سبک شناسی مقصوره ابن درید
امین عبیاوی 1398 -
نشانه های ادبیات پایداری در سروده های ایمن العتوم
سیده فاطمه علوی محمدیان 1397 -
ترجمه و شرح نظم البدیع فی مدح خیر شفیع سروده جلال الدین سیوطی
نوریه فضلی پور 1396Abstract: When Arabic literature (poetry and prose) declined, modern rhetorical poems of praise were introduced. They are poems of long meter and simple measure and they are decorated with various rhetorical features mainly to praise the Prophet (PBUH). For example, Imam Jalaluddin Suyūṭī wrote two poems on this pattern, one of them was “Nadhm al-Badee fee madh khair shafee” (Versification of rhetorical poem to praise of the best intercessor). The present study is a persian translation and explanation of that one of his masterpieces that comprised 132 lines. The study attempts to answer an important question: “What are its linguistic, literary and rhetorical features?”, It is a significant poem as it focuses on first, the praise of the our master the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and presentation very respectful and politeness and his honorable service (PBUH); second, it is full knowledge of rhetorical features; Third, It is also a kind of interest in an old and forgotten literature; Fourth, his cruel inhumanity not to be abandoned is not worthy of its right; And fifth, shake dust of the face of this forgotten ancient heritage among the pages of history, therefore, the study utilizes the analytical and historical approaches. The study concludes with the following results: First, the rhetorical poem of praise, under investigation, is characterized by all forms of fluency, rhetoric, pleasantness, cohesion and clarity of vocabularies, reflecting the poetic talent, knowledge and culture of the writer; Second, it beats the poetic record with 149 al-Maany, and al-Bayan, and verbally semantic rhetorical arrays; Third, The brightest star of its arrays is the luck of verbal rhetorical alliteration array; Fourth, it crystallizes al-Maany and al-Bayan arrays despite its the verbal and semantic rhetorical arrays, the last: including simile, allegory, metaphor, metonymy, and the first: equivalence, circumlocution, and synopsizing; Fifth, there are also some features that were in more than one or two lines, including pun, congeries, antithesis and simile; Sixth, there are some repeated features, e.g. synthesis alliteration and simile; Seventh, the same genres combined cohesion and easiness of vocabularies; Eighth, others were similar, e.g. clarification and repetition; Ninth, contrasting arrays, e.g. disconnected and connected rhetoric; Tenth, there are unique forms, e.g. moral and verbal rhetorical multiplication; Eleventh, the writer extensively uses pun, metaphor, and antithesis; twelfth, the mostly repeated is synthesis alliteration; And thirteenth, The most fortunate of the presence are the individual non-branched arrays; And last but not least fourteenth, the mostly varied array used is alliteration.
سیمای اهل بیت(ع) در شعر عصر مملوکی
ایاد نیسی 1396
Religious eulogist (Madih) poetry had made a great progress by starting the Islamic invitation, and it is allocated a significant contribution in Arabic literature and the history of literary researches after the Islamic conquests. Hence, religious eulogist (Madih) poetry is one of the ancient poetic intentions that Arabic language poets paid attention to it and they stated their love and kindness to the Prophet (PBUH) and his Ahle Bait through it, and this is in order to deliver services to Islam and making awareness of the Muslims . Eulogizing (Madh) of the five holy ones (AS) is a type of religious poetry that is about their great and merciful personality. We try to address the most significant and prominent themes of the features of the five holy ones (AS) in the religious eulogist (Madih) poetry of famous and popular poets of the mameluke era in this thesis. we have categorized various angles of eulogist (Madih) in the poetry of their poets in their paper and then And then we referred to the the most prominent and important themes of eulogist (Madih) in the poetry of these poets in their paper. The most important thing that this research has achieved it is that the poets clearly portrayed a clear and obvious picture of the great personality of the Ahl al-Bayt for us, while the poets also had pointed out to high – order virtues, and traits and the good deeds and manner of the Ahl al-Bayt. And also, the poets praises and admires the high status of the Prophet (PBUH) and his Ahle Bait among prophets and other world's creatures, while had hope to intercede the Ahl al-Bayt. And we addressed the most important themes of elegy of the holy five ones (AS) in the general form and elegy of Imam Hossein (AS) in specific form in the poetry of the mameluke era in the final chapter of this thesis. And this research has also been written in order to express the most important and prominent themes of Hosseini's elegy in the poetries of famous and popular poets of the mameluke era and so, we have categorized different aspects of elegy in poetries of these poets and then we referred to the most prominent and basic themes of Hosseini's elegy in their poetries in this thesis
دیدگاه های معکوس ابوالعلا معری
جعفر ثعلبی 1395Adverse trends and outlook mean the opinions and ideas that are contrary to what was imprinted as views of the majority of people it is countercyclical trends Think of the ordinary. This feature, Negative were positive or have emerged and crystallized the views of Abu Ala Marri poet asceticism, philosophy and wisdom In his book «Allzumiat» and «saghd AL zand» and »resalat Alghofran.« Al-Ma'arri groans was suffering from physical and spiritual Tolmat such case it has been evident in his ideas and his criticism of human society, people and religions and it was a tinge of irony and satire.
Attempt in this paper is to indicate adverse perception in the poems of Abu Ala Marri that appeared much cash in his poems about life, And death, marriage, Eating and coexistence and breeding of women and girls and criticism of religions and religious and religious hypocritesbe endorsed and incitement to isolation and away from the contact with people
Divided by the content of the message into three chapters and a summary of results in Persian. We have reached important results, including that of abu Ala Marri was a bold critic of what he sees in people warps transactions and Legislative change values and religious Aaltghebr by religious authorities, and was praises religious tolerance and the concentrations of animals and to stay away from resentment and the breeding and reproduction.
ترجمه و شرح قصیده کشف الغمه فی مدح سید الامه محمود سامی البارودی
مهناز جوادنیا 1395The ode of Kashfolgamat in the praise of the Holy Prophet is one of the masterpieces of Arabic poetry composed by the famous contemporary poet, Mahmud Sami Al،Baroodi. It is in fact a versified history from the life of the Prophet (PBUH) and the early period of Islam. In this very attractive ode, the poet addresses the subjects such as eulogy and praise of the Prophet, expressing the events of the birthday night of the Prophet (PBUH) and his miracles, his youth, Besat, ascension, the greatness and the virtues of the Prophet, the wars and battles and introduction of his companions. Finally it is ended by the liturgy and attention and seeking the intercession from him and peace and blessings upon him. The ode has been composed in 447 couplets.
In the present study that is a translation and description of the ode, firstly the description of the closed couplets and the fluent translation of the literature have been addressed. Then, the description and the expression of the allusions, the introduction of the religious and historical characters, Quranic adaptations, to study the rhetorical, literary and grammatical points has been carried out. It is hoped that it will be accepted by the Allah and the Prophet of mercy, Hazrate Mohammad (PBUH)
ترجمه و شرح حبسیات معتمد بن عباد
نصرت عقیلی 1394The literature of Andalusia age begins from 92 AH/ 710 AD through 897 AH/ 1492 AD. It is a period during which the Arab literature was introduced to the western world. The orientalists believe that this period is an actualization and innovation of Arab literature in the west. Inspired by nature and having freedom of speech, they could write an invaluable literary history for Arab literature. The poets of this age were master in versifying poems in praise of caliphates when they won in wars. However, the political issues were caused the caliphates show a hostility toward poets and they were detained or killed by caliphates. Amongst the detained poets, "Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad can be mentioned", who versified an invaluable Qasides when he was in the prison. This thesis aims to translate and explain a number of Qasides of Osriyat versified by "Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad" and its rhetoric points are noted as far as possible
دراسه الشعر الدینی و الاخلاقی فی دیوان الوراق
سنا البوخنفر 1394The Abbasid era is considered to be the longest and the most precious of all literary eras regarding the Literary developments and innovations made corresponding to the era and the number of studies and researches done throughout the era. However , we found some of the researchers did not give these literary era its right and described it as being filled with infidelity and lusty entertainment while a lot of these works refect the moral and ethical subjects in poetry.From this point of view , we decided to carry out a study upon Mahmood Awarragh’s Diwan (Poetry collection ) due to his reflection of the ethical and moral aspects in his poetry .We tried to follow a descriptive analytical procedure in this study and it consists of an introduction , three chapters and a conclusion .The introduction delt with the importance and the causes that inspired the study and the first chapterdelt with the public life in the era and then the poet’s biography and his poetic works .But in the second chapter we discussed the ethical poetry which was represented by ascetics and religeous inclusions andthe third chapter delt with the ethics and morality denotatively and connotatively and it hinted to some morals and immorals in Manhmood Alwarragh’s poetry.The conclusion which is the end of anydiscussion includes the most important results which we came to.It appeared that Mahmood Alwarraghwas well-disciplined knowledgable jurist .Affected by Islam and the holy Quran ,he devoted specific parts of his poetic works to present to ethical meanings .He also decorated his works by praising some moral values such as patience ,satisfaction, honesty ,consultation , generosity, forgiveness, and etc.And he condemned the immorals such as lying ,greed , stinginess ,duplicity ,jealousy , and etc.Also his works were distinguished for their simplicity to understand the subject and for their coherence with preaching and guidance .
گستره های مفهوم قدیم و جدید نزد مشهورترین ادیبان معاصر عرب
عدنان زمانی 1394Literary conflicts have multiplied in the modern era of very significantly, Each has become so controversial and the subject of debate among critics and contemporary writers. The most important and oldest of these topics, which broke out around literary dialogues, is the subject of "old and new" in Arabic literature. Writers have differed as to the modern-day concept on the identification of these two terms,And each was a writer and critic and a special opinion, on this subject, And that many doctrines and literary trends have contributed to the change of ideas and literary views which was espoused by the leaders of literature and its assets, The flags and modern Arabic literature have given definitions and concepts of private on the issue of old and new and are not in sync on this important subject. Some of them have been a Western-oriented in dealing with literary issues including the issue of the old and the new, while others have been seen through the vision affected the old Arab heritage, And the views of some of these flags in both fronts excessive and beyond the border may very was. It was also next to this vision over some moderate and centrist visions which weigh everything as befits.
الصور الکاریکاتیریه فی شعر احمد مطر
احمد جابری 1394The meaning of the cartoon image is the images and visual language satirical poet that utilizes the language of your art within the boundaries of the picture, the overall structure is depicted them. Images depicting the poet in his poetic are irony and ironic elements such as color, size (at different angles satirical poet), and character, benefited are a part of them. In this study, we sought to highlight the images and analysis mechanisms and approaches humor in them, passing reference deserving to be part of this study.
The first part, which is divided into three topics: 1. Literature humor, origin and progress. 2. The concept of satire and caricature, and link them with each other and similarities and differences between the two styles and ironic style. 3 reasons to engage in satire and comedy incentive to use it in their literature.
The second part, which is divided into two topics: 1. Ahmad Matar, history and literary abilities and factors influencing the intellectual and literary trends of his poem. 2-elements of created images of a cartoon: a.color, b. Dimensions, c.karktr.
The third part, which is divided into two topics: (1) the mechanisms of expression of humor in the Ahmad Matar cartoon images. 2. Naji al-Ali and Ahmed Matar: A researcher wants to reveal the common threads between the images and pictures humor humor audio visual Naji al-Ali Ahmad Matar (friend and colleague Ahmad Matar and famous Palestinian cartoonist who is assassinated by unknown causes in London ) as well as between these two factors and the cartoonist is affected.
نگاهی سبک شناسانه به غدیریه های عصر اول عباسی
صالحی -كبری 1394The day the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in his leadership whispered the heavenly sound, "notify" in the ear of people of earth, and spread the cry of " I bear witness that Ali is Wali of Allah ", Hassan bin Thabit Al-Ansari put the pearl-like seeds of Ghadir in order and accepted the leadership of Emam Ali (PBUH) . From then until today, lots of truth-loving and truth-teller poets, from many creeds and religions were inspired by the eternal Ghadir sermon, speaking of legitimacy of his leadership wrote poems in the name of alGhadiriye odes, including some of the first Abbasi era poets like Sydhmyry , Kofi Abdi, Abu Tammam, Khazaei and etc.
This article with respect to new studies of cognitive styles and with regard to approaches of criticism, rhetoric and linguistics, examines stylistic features of Ghadiriye from Abbasi first era with descriptive analytic methods in two levels of "syntactic-syntax" and "literary" so the reader knows how was the leadership promoted by the poets of this era and style of their expression.
After careful deliberation and analysis of Ghadiriye lines, in the syntactic level it became clear that Ghadiriye poets suitable with the level of speech and to affect the audience and awaken their neglected consciences have used variety of modes of expression (news, composition and condition ). In the literary level to stabilize the passionate event of Ghadir in the reader's mind, and draw the great character of the master of Righteous people, imagery of two Real and rhetorical were used. In the field of exquisite two arts of conflict (Tbaq) and opposition, were the highest characteristics in al Ghadiriye, al Ghadiriye poets by employing these arts, often intend to show the contrast between the school and Allah's men, and the school of enemies (the Umayyad and Abbasid).
الاسلوب الادبی فی کتاب عیناک قدری لغادة السمان
انسته-رضا 1393Ghada al-Samman and influential scholar and writer famous Syrian Arab literature. This is why research is necessary Asarvy he first published his literary style (your eyes are my destiny) have discussed the literary elements (emotions got, Vandyshh the Sheraton). Also the school's literary work But Vamykhtgy common use of the symbols used is also very complex transition Nyst.vly beautiful impact made using light rig Vsyaq mythical mythology modem without using hand-mythical space to create the effect Brghnay
عناصر الشعر القصصی المعاصر القصة القصیرة انموذجاً
صبریه فرحانی اصل 1393In despite of vicissitudes in literature it has mirror and convey a massage in its century yet .and the narrative poem is the kind of this literaturetoo. This Athesis tried to survey condition of contemporary of literature after entrance of France to establish the effect and the permutation of this event which has been done by newspapers and periodicals and delegations. Regarding the case which involve in poem, story and narrative poem, the effect and the application of this flow with explanation and elaboration of literary elements either poem or story has been got under survey and negotiation. And as a fourth point the last case in this thesis which study the narrative poem, it adjust this with the elements of the (Al Yatim fee Al Eed) story of Maroof Alrsafi.
This Athesis considered the short story as an example and concentrated on it to answer to this question weather could the poet reflect the problem of people with fiction poem or not. And what are the influential elements of this poem? And of which source they catch their subject of the story?
In this Athesis it has been applied the descriptive analysis; result such as: Arab’s literature as a special contemporaneous literature has resourced by the influence of nations. Arab literaturewas not got the literary story from west but vice versa; but in contemporaneous literature in technical case , and under the effect of west’s literature it has been completed; narrative poem was like this.
Narrative poem has been made to convey a social and humanistic massage to colonization audience. This Athesis has subjected the elements of narrative poem to survey its technical completeness procedure with the aim of the effectiveness of the development of them in condition of narrative poem to convey a social and humanistic massage to universe and especially colonization.
ترجمه و شرح کتاب مدایح نبوی النبهانیه جلد 1 ، 500 بیت سوم
مریم امیدی 1392
Prophetic eulogies from a great part of inheritance of Arabic literature and a large number of elegies were composed in this respect and many poets have turned to the eulogy of great prophet with different purposes his outstanding characteristics and personality. For the first because of incomparable personality of great prophet, these poems have gained importance and have been gathered in many collection is the book of Elugies Alnabhanyat, whose gatherer has collected poems of different poets in the the aspect of great prophet enlogy. In present thesis because of the importance of these poems I have translated and explained some poems of this book. In the poems is so that first, I brought the meaning of words with the use of Arabic to Persian and Arabic to Arabic reliable dictionaries. Then, I presented the translation of verses with sufficient precision in honesty. At last eloquent and occasionally grammatical points were explained.
فرهنگ واژگان گل و گیاه در شعر عربی از دوره جاهلی تا پایان دوره عباسی
هاجر الهایی سحر 1392 -
ترجمه وشرح دیوان ابو الاسود دوئلی
شهلا عبیات 1392ABSTRACT
Abol Asvad Duali, one of famous shie faces. Whose name was Zalem Ibn Amro Jandal; but he was called Abol Asvad Duali. He was founder of Arabic syntax and Quran Alphabet dots so it not wonderful hat Abol asvad poems are so eloquent, fluent and pleasant: since he was familiar with divine verses. Undoubtedly the eloquency is due to his proficiency in Quran verses. Writer of the present disertation (study), translated and explained complete poetocal works of the literary and shiei poet by appling valid dictionaries. At first terms and then all verses were translated. Than points in verses which refred to tradition, proverbs, eloquency pints or Quran were explained.
Key words: Abol Asvad Duali, complete,poetical works, trans lation and description, eloquency and fluency.
بررسی درون مایه های شعری صاحب بن عباد
سعیده منصوری نیا 1391 -
صورة الإسلام فی مرآة شعر الیسوعیین المعاصرین
اقدس بهزادی پور 1391 -
سیمای مادر در شعر عربی وفارسی معاصر
عفیفه موحدیان 1391 -
اقتباسات قرآنی در دیوانهای شاعران برجسته اسلامی قرن اول هجری
شهلا حق گویی دزفولی 1390 -
اندیشه و سنت های اجتماعی و فرهنگی عرب پیش از اسلام در قرآن و چکامه های جاهلی
زهرا زمانی 1390 -
شرح ألفیة الربیعی فی النحو
عمار سرخه 1390 -
تاثیر شعر جاهلی بر شعر فارسی در دو قرن 5و6
رحیم سرخی 1389 -
بررسی جلوه های بلاغی(بیان و بدیع)در برده های هرعصر(برده ی کعب بن زهیر،بوصیری،احمدشوقی)
فاطمه پسندیان 1389 -
بیداری اسلامی در شعر شاعران برجسته ی معاصر عرب
سمیرا سیاه مردان 1389 -
بررسی توصیف طبیعت در شعر صنوبری
قاسم خانیمهرآبادی 1389 -
بررسی جنبههای زیباشناختی توابع در صحیفه سجادیه
معصومه موسوی 1389 -
زیباییشناسی وصف در دیوان ابن خفاجه
علی بابایی دم طسوج 1387 -
جلوههای زیباییشناسی انشای طلبی در قرآن کریم
مرضیه كهندل جهرمی 1386 -
بررسی اسلوب تکرار در قرآن
لیلا بهزادی 1386 -
وجدانیات در شعر شریف رضی
فرحان گل مغانی زاده 1386 -
بررسی و مقایسه مرثیه سرایی عصر جاهلی و صدر اسلام (تا سال چهلم هجری)
مجتبی بهروزی 1385 -
بررسی و تحلیل درونمایههای شعری نازک الملائکه
كبری خسروی 1384 -
لغت و جمله و اغراض بلاغی در نهجالبلاغه
هادی یعقوبی 1383 -
تاثیر قرآن وحدیث بر شعر متنبی
زینب روستائی 1382 -
نعت مفرد در نهجالبلاغه
افرین زارع 1381 -
ترجمه و بررسی شواهد شعری در تفسیر الکشاف زمخشری(از سوره مریم تا پایان سوره الناس)
فیروز سلطانیفارسانی 1381 -
تعهد دینی در آثار زنان ادیب عرب از صدر اسلام تا پایان دوره عباسی
فرزانه رحمانیانكوشككی 1380 -
ترجمه و بررسی شرح شواهد شعری درتفسیر کشاف زمخشری
رضا كواكبیان 1379